Thursday, October 14, 2010

Remember the good old days?

I can sew, not extremely well, but I make due. Making pillows, basic curtains, and mending is about as far as I go. Funny though, when I recently pulled out my sewing kit, I realized that I really hadn’t updated it since my Jr. High Sewing Class. I went to Joann’s today with four 40% off coupons in hand and acquired/improved upon the basics.
What is in your sewing kit and when is the last time you updated it? Even if re-attaching buttons is the extent of your “skills”, you will still need a basic sewing kit.

My basic sewing kit includes:

Small sheers (new one purchased today!)
Seam ripper (new one purchased today!)
Extra bobbins (only necessary if you use a machine)
Extra machine needles (only necessary if you use a machine)
Measuring tape
Extra pins
Pin cushion
Thread in basic colors (white, black, brown, blue)
Small container to hold everything (I just switched everything over to a new “really useful” box that I got at an office supply store for half off!

My updating (after the coupons) was just over $10.00. I figure after more than 20 years, it was time for an “upgrade”.  Maybe it is time for you to upgrade too.

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