When you are getting started in your oranization process, and you want to have it all organized, where do you start?
When I do in home consultations, I have a print out of basic questions that help me to answer that very question. To make it simple, I will narrow it down to two questions...
What IS working? What is NOT working?
Even though it is a very simple question, I think that it is one that we do not stop and ask ourselves enough, and make the necessary adjustments to enhance or change those answers.
When you ask yourself these questions, write the answers down! Push yourself, something HAS to be working. Figure out what those areas are and think of why they are working for you. Is it because it is simple, small, maybe that you have a large area to contain something, etc.
What isn't working? If you want to jump to say EVERYTHING, back up a minute and really go through it. Are you always loosing your keys? Is your pantry a disaster? Do you trip over children's toys and clutter all day?
When you have written down your list, number the items. What is bothering you the MOST, then start there.
We can NOT do it all at the same time, and will kill ourselves if we keep trying. Pace yourselves, find projects that will make your lives easier, and don't take on so much that you get overwhelmed and quit before you enjoy your successes.
Many times it is the items that we use almost every day that can give us the most problems. When you have an easily accessible, but not cluttered place for your most frequently used items, it can make the day go MUCH smoother.
More questions for you to go through...Where do you put?
Backpacks and kids’ purses
Backpacks and kids’ purses
Grocery List
Cell phone and chargers
Husband “stuff”
Last minute laundry
Kids papers and school work
Pens/pencils/scissors/extra paper
Holiday decorations
Crafts (Adult and Children)
Memory items
Gift wrapping and cards
If you don't have answers for any of these, or the answers are not working for you. You have another jumping off point.
My goal is to try to post simple tips, projects, and ideas to make things run more smoothly in all of our lives.
Good luck, and happy organizing!