Monday, January 24, 2011

A Spoon Full of Sugar

After creating such an organized area in my kitchen by cleaning the clutter off my fridge and putting it onto my wonderful magnetic cabinet area, it made me look into my cabinet a little deeper.

When is the last time that you looked through your medicine cabinet? I keep my medicines in a bin in a kitchen cabinet, I love having them all in one place, but some times it is a little too convenient and I don't always go through it often enough.

From my experience, most of have a smorgasbord of expired medications that we have been hanging onto. By weeding through the medicines that are past their prime, you will also learn which remedies you are running low on. For the health of your household, tackle the simple task of checking out your medicine cabinets.

1 comment:

Q'Ville said...

ahhhh, done. :D