Saturday, October 9, 2010

Activity Bag

Activity bag, church bag, entertainment bag, no matter what you call it, almost all of us have one. Ours is the “activity bag”, and it is stored in the bottom shelf of my pantry, which is right by my garage. It is fully stocked at all times and includes:

Coloring books
Drawing pads, blank paper
Crayons (NOT markers, maybe your kids are neater than mine) in containers (one for each child)
Drinks and Snacks, put in fresh each Sunday/activity

I love the containers that hold our crayons. They are smaller than pencil boxes, and fit better into our bag. We got them at IKEA in the children’s section (upstairs by the eatery). They come in a variety of colors, and are three to a pack. One pack is $2.49, and they call them “GLIS box with lid”.

Having a separate “activity bag” prepared with crafts and activities for the kids will help to keep church, restaurants, and various activities quieter and more fun for everyone, and will not interrupt home crafts because it is all separate.

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